Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Opening Day

This is a new sort of thing for me. I'm going to try to write something new here on a regular basis, I just don't know what that is yet.

I intend to write about my 44 years of wargaming, starting with Chainmail and White Box D&D, then a home-grown (not my home) set of rules for Napoleonic games probably based on CLS, although at this stage I couldn't actually say.  WRG 3rd edition was my first Ancients rules.

I still love skirmish games, have played every version of D&D, and have a couple of Napoleonic armies in two scales.  I have written a number of home-grown rules which the local boys have liked.  We change eras so much that the group I play with we all have a lot of figures, in a lot of eras.  But the good part of that is I get new figures all the time, like I need more.  

I have a couple of the first figures I painted and they keep me humble, sort of, kinda (not at all).  I paint using a lot of drybrushing styles, with some block painting and staining as needed.  People like the way I paint, 'cause when I get tired of an army it sells. 

I hope to have a download section for the rules I have written.

I hope to review figures I get or have and may show off how I have painted the figures I have.  I may tell stories of magnificent victories and defeats on the gaming table.  More of one than the other.  In any, case let me know if you like what you see.  

Later, Hugh

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